Why Our Interns Support Spencer Frye

Spencer and the Interns
Spencer and the Interns

Tomorrow is the end of a journey for our team of interns.  Over the last two months we have knocked on over 4,500 doors and made nearly as many phone calls.  We have helped set up fundraisers, done research, and managed social networks.  We have brought our time and talents to help spread Spencer’s message of defending Democratic principles and the values Athenians hold at the Gold Dome.  Without our team none of this would be possible.

One of the ways that we have been able to build the team we have is through the culture of service modeled by Spencer.  Spencer has spent much of his adult life serving the Athens community.  He has worked for Habitat for Humanity, an organization that helps provide affordable housing to low income families, since 1999 and now serves as executive director.  He has also been an active member of the Athens music scene and participates in community events like the UGA homecoming parade and Athens Christmas parade.

Spencer’s service to the community is one of the main reasons that I support Spencer.  While knocking doors I met many people who know Spencer personally and shared with me the positive impact that he has had in their lives.  When I think about who I want to represent my family in the Georgia General Assembly I think about a member of the community who is fully invested in the success Athens.  I want a representative who knows and loves our community, and from the beginning I saw these qualities in Spencer.

Spencer at the People for a Better Athens Rally
Spencer at the People for a Better Athens Rally

Austin Cohen, another one of our outstanding interns, put it this way:

“I quickly found myself on board with Spencer’s vision for Athens. Though I will, in all likelihood, cease residing in Athens upon my graduation in December, I have certainly come to care for what has been my home over the course of my undergraduate career, and thus naturally want the best for the people of Athens.  I firmly believe that the Democrats best represent the interests of Athenians, and that Spencer, on account of his long history of service to the community, is the ideal candidate for the seat he seeks.  It helped immensely too that Spencer himself undertook the same tasks that we did. I found his charisma and demonstrated passion for his community to be contagious.”

Throughout the campaign you have heard about Spencer’s values.  You have heard about the need to protect our environment and fully fund our public education system.  Most importantly, you have heard about the need to take advantage of Athens’ strengths to bring quality jobs into our community.  But when you go to the polls tomorrow I hope that you consider the type of person you would like to represent your family and values in the General Assembly.  As a staff, we have embraced a candidate who passionately serves our community.  We hope you can give him your support too.