Fellowship Spotlight: Katie Roth

Katie Roth is a fourth-year political science major with a minor in communication studies and a certificate in applied politics. Through the Fellowship, she hopes to gain a better understanding of the bill drafting and legislation writing processes while also strengthening her political research and public communication skills. Her biggest takeaway from her time in the Fellowship so far is how extensive policy research is and the variety of ways that someone can have a positive impact on the community. In addition to the Fellowship, Katie also works with the Athens-Clarke County Unified Government’s Public Information Office and is a Radio DJ with the UGA Radio Station (WUOG). She also serves as a peer mentor with UGA’s School of Public and International Affairs and with 21st Century Leaders, which focuses on youth outreach to high school students. After graduation, Katie hopes to work in Georgia politics or with a non-profit. Her interest in politics was sparked by hours of CSPAN watching and her involvement in her hometown’s local government. Katie is excited to meet new people and make some awesome memories with the Fellowship, especially since she transferred to UGA in Spring 2020. When she isn’t working, Katie loves to spend time with her two cats, Fleur and Keith, as well as watching independent films and television shows and spending time with family. Her favorite UGA memory is bumping into Senator Warnock while getting coffee in downtown Athens.