Fellowship Spotlight: Evan Katz



Graduation Date: Spring 2019

Majors or Areas of Study: Political Science, International Affairs

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Community & Campus Involvement: Georgia Political Review, American Founding Group, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Interesting fact about yourself?: I’ve played the piano for 13 years.

What interested you most about the Spencer Frye Fellowship Program?: The ability to work directly for someone in the state legislature. As someone who wants to pursue a career in public office, what better way to get started than to see firsthand what being an elected official is like?

What is your current role on the Spencer Frye team?: Legislative fellow

What have you learned so far as a fellow? I’ve learned that being a state representative is a much more difficult and important role than I originally thought. Representative Frye is always busy doing something for his job, whether it’s working hard at the State Capitol or helping out the community.

What has been your favorite experience as a fellow? The fellowship retreat. I enjoyed getting to know everyone in the fellowship and volunteer for Habitat for Humanity.

What are your future goals? Undecided, but probably law school. I’d also love to intern on Capitol Hill.

What do you love most about Athens? It’s an amazing college town with lots of good food.

Favorite place in Athens, Georgia? Sanford Stadium

Favorite movie? Return of the Jedi

What are your hobbies outside of school and the Fellowship program? Blogging, playing the piano, watching sports (#RiseUp), and Xbox games

What is the last book you read? All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren

Coffee or tea? Coffee

Describe your dream job. President of the United States

What has been your greatest experience during your college career? Dr. Berejikian’s Global Simulation class. 10/10 would recommend.

If you know that you would not fail, what would you do? Run a positive, substantive, and successful campaign for president that would unite the country.

Why are you interested in politics? From a young age, I’ve been fascinated with both government and public policy. The idea that a single person has the power to affect every member of his or her community, whether it’s a small neighborhood or the entire country, by passing a simple piece of legislation intrigues me to this day. I hope one day to be in a position of power where I can positively and broadly affect change.

Favorite quote. “Everyone is handed adversity in life. No one’s journey is easy. It’s how they handle it that makes people unique.” – Kevin Conroy