Fellowship Spotlight: Ellie Wilson-Wade

Ellie Wilson-Wade is a second-year at the University of Georgia, majoring in Political Science and Journalism. She is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority and hopes to attend UGA Law School to work in criminal justice after graduation. Through the Fellowship, Ellie hopes to gain professional skills, as well as learn more about the logistics of state and local government. She is also excited to work with Rep. Frye and the other fellows to create policies that will help Georgians, especially those that are typically forgotten about. Ellie was a deputy field organizer for Jon Ossoff’s 2017 Campaign for Congress and a field intern for Stacey Abrams’ Gubernatorial Campaign. Her biggest takeaway from the Fellowship is to be flexible and adapt to change, no matter how hard it seems. With classes and most of the fellowship meetings being online, it can be hard to stay engaged, but being open to change makes things easier! Her fun fact is that she went to Obama’s 2008 inauguration and her interest in politics sparked there!