Capitol Corner 2.0: Profiles in Service

As we enter the enter the summer offseason, legislative news occurs less frequently.  However, here in Athens there are passionate volunteers and great organizations that work all year to make Athens the community it is. To highlight their work we are launching Capitol Corner 2.0: Profiles in Service Edition. Along with our normal legislative updates and policy primers we will be sharing the stories of Athens’ volunteers and organizations.

Starting Wednesday, we will have three new writers who will be attending events and interviewing leaders once or twice a week.  We will share their stories as well as details for how you can get involved.  Spencer believes that a commitment to service is important, and we hope that sharing these profiles in service will encourage you to help in any way you can.

If you have an event that we should know about or want us to do a profile of your organization, reach out to us at  We would love to hear about and share all the great things your organizations are doing to make Athens such a wonderful place. Have a great week!

Kyle Hayes

Editor of Capitol Corner